Thursday, July 2, 2009

World's Awesomest Convertible

The people who reviewed the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport call it the "..the greatest gasoline-powered vehicle that has ever been, or will ever be, built. Seriously." And for 2.1 million bucks, it better be. You can read the review HERE

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Eggplant Gag-Reflex

After watching Dave from make Eggplant Parmesan, me and my friend decided to try it out ourselves. We assumed we were way more pro than Dave himself (who btw has awesome theme songs) and decided to modify the recipe to make it even more awesome. Well it was an EPIC FAIL. The original recipe can be found here -

Here's our recipe.
Ingredients :
Tomatoes (Regular)
Sundried Tomatoes
Tex Mex Flavoured Cheese

Now the quantity of the ingredients is really upto you. By experimenting with various amounts and ratios, you can adjust the gag level from mild discomfort to projectile vomit. Basically, you just take some oil in a pan, toss all the ingredients except the except the eggplant, cheese and sun dried tomatoes. Make sure the garlic and chives burn. Thats the secret to triggering the gag reflex. Make a layer of sliced eggplants in the bottom of the pan, and the burnt mixture on top, some sundried tomatoes and the tex mex chesse on top of that. You can make multiple layers if you choose. Let this cook in the oven at 400 F until it feels like its done. You'll know.

After some afterthought on reason behind the urge to vomit, I came up with a trifecta - burnt chives, sundried tomatoes and the pre spiced cheese. Seriously, cheddar chesse spiced with tex mex, wtf were we thinking? Although that may have been my idea. Also I think we dumped the sun dried tomatoes with all the oil from the can (about a cup and a half), so in addition to being inedible, this recipe might also induce heart failure. Finally, to this day, my friend cannot stand in proximity to chives, let alone consume them


I am Raakesh. I procrastinate. A lot. For example, this blog was supposed to be up a month ago. Well, better late than never